Very productive week, I'd say. Morning pages went well. I loved my 'Blessings Walk'. Many times when I walk, I recount my blessings so this was something I enjoy. Artist's Date was terrific. I went to an art gallery that is at a local art college. I was stunned to realize one of the artists featured likes to display his art on a visible grid. (warning: it's hard to see the grid aspect on his website; and his work is in the 'portfolio' section)
Tom Nakashima also likes to use other material in his paintings like newspaper and magazine pictures. (also difficult to see) I've been trying to get my art focused in a direction and this art really narrowed my path for me. It's not linear, but it's kind of 'collage, mixed media, photographs and quilting.' I don't have anything concrete but the direction is exhilarating.
I also enjoyed the tasks this week. It's funny. When I started the 'anger' list I thought, "I really am not angry about much." But I got to 50.
And the collage I made is related to my best friend. She has had a lot of medical problems and is really stuck as a victim. I made it my goal this week to help her change her perspective. I can't fix the medical problems, but I can help her feel better about it.
p.s. anyone know how to take better photos of small items? mine are always blurry.