Thursday, October 18, 2007
Revisiting Completed Quilt
I got to spend a couple days with my sister and her family in New Jersey. And I got to revisit a quilt I had made for her. What a lovely evening I spent snuggled up with the quilt. It really felt like coming home. So much love and care went into the making of it and I was thrilled to find it actively used.

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Mirror Mirror Inchie Set
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mirror Mirror Inchie

Wow, what a challenging inchie. The challenge on Inching Artists was 'What do you see when you look in the mirror?' I see myself growing into the person I was meant to be. This is my inchie representing that. I used some silver ribbon to represent the mirror and the flowers for me. Hope you like it.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Christmas Postcards
Sunday, September 23, 2007

This is my first attempt at using Lutradur and lace. The new zine Fibre and Stitch issued a challenge to use Lutradur and Lace to create a new 'fabric' with lots of texture. I'm pretty pleased with the results. I'll use it to make a cover for a sketch book.
Friday, September 21, 2007

Wowie wowie this is my first inchie! This piece of art is 1 inch by 1 inch. Boy was it hard to photograph. I finally took a picture of a quilt block with the inchie on it and then cropped it. I discovered a new blog called 'Inching Artists' http://inchingartists.blogspot.com/. This week's theme was 'wings'. Just happened to have the dragonfly button. I love it.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Like most artists, I have lots of WIP (works in progress) as well as a few UFOs (unfinished objects). These blocks were made from a pattern from Contemporary Quilts. I've been looking for stash busters and I had a lot of purple. I'm using purple, blue and green with striping in yellow. The final quilt will have about 75 block and I'll name it 'Pansy something'. I've made 8 blocks so far and have already cut all the main fabric. Some additional cutting of the yellow to come.
Monday, September 17, 2007

Well, doesn't this palm leaf have cool pattern? I'd love to incorporate it into a quilt.
I decided I didn't have enough projects to do, so I signed up for a new ezine and it seems terrif.
The first challenge issued is a Lutradur and Lace project. It looks great.... so I'm waiting for supplies I ordered online.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Birthday Block Swap
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This beautiful peony grew for several years in my garden in New Jersey. When we moved to Florida, I dug up this one and all the others and distributed them amongst family members. This photo was take by my sister Pam in Boston. This is the first year it bloomed there. Long time gone but the quilting has been going on fast and furious. I'm taking an online course at Quilt University called Flower Power. This is a mock up I made to see if the color choices were going to work out. Over all, I like it but think it needs work in the light area center top. Love the classes there. I made a Stack 'n Whack, a needle turn appliqué Hawaiian Quilt, learned some beading techniques and some embellishment. Wish I had time for more!
Friday, August 31, 2007
I like the name, snapdragon. Sounds saucy. I am mischievous, and a good friend. Nice combination. Who thinks up this stuff? Snapdragons are beautiful. Disney World had a huge area maybe 20' x20' filled with colorful snapdragons. I need their landscaper.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Quilt Muse
I've actually made some progress on the quilt. I tried all kinds of tricks to get myself to work on it. Like.... forcing myself... hated what I sewed so frog stitched it. Then... putting it away: thinking reverse psychology... but it just stayed away. And finally, I started another project and wooosh, the quilt muse landed on my shoulder and prodded me to continue. So yesterday I finished the last of the thread painting, ironed the backing and basted the quilt. Well, not really basted. I used some iron on batting and used spray baste for the back. I hope I don't regret it. Hopefully today I'll do some quilting. Come on quilt muse!
iron on batting,
poppy's fish,
quilt muse,
quilt progress
Thursday, March 8, 2007
My Atlas WIP (work in progress)

Well, this is my WIP. I feel like Atlas holding up the world. And I must say my hardest challenge ever. I've been working on it (on and off) for about 8 months and it is just inching along. It was supposed to be a Christmas present for my Dad.....then it was supposed to be ready when my Mom and Dad came for a visit March 1st.... well, maybe before they leave at the end of April. I took an online class at Quilt University and the technique is by Marilyn Belford. I got held up at the beginning of thread painting. I didn't want to ruin it. A brilliant quilter asked if my father would notice if I ruined it... so I began threadpainting immediately. Now I'm stuck on the quilting. I'm waiting for the quilt muse to land on my shoulder.
fabric portraits,
Marilyn Belford,
poppy's fish,
Quilt University,
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